The Little Canvas is 2! Thanks to You!

9:00:00 AM

The Little Canvas is two years old today!!!!  I'm kind of bummed I don't have any special nails to commemorate the big day, but honestly I'm not sure what I would have done anyways.  Plus, tomorrow I have a really awesome manicure for Valentine's Day which I wanted to have it's own equal attention.  I'm a weirdo like that, I like to give all my nail posts at least 3 days so everyone can see them and not come to a blog that is overwhelmed with nail art.  Although, I do kind of wish I could bring you a blog which has nail art everyday.  That would be so cool.

Anywho, two years old....goodness.  I remember when I created the blogger account for The Little Canvas. I was very apprehensive and beyond nervous to post.  My designs that I had created in late 2011 when I discovered nail art and early 2012 were no where near as good as Chalkboard Nails or some of the other larger bloggers.  I honestly was embarrassed by some of them, but my family and friends kept telling me they were good.  Finally, I thought "What is the worst that can happen?  I don't get any followers and just slink away and enjoy my hobby on my own?"  I set up my first blog post, a Twitter account, and started creating, interacting, and posting. 

As I posted, this blog grew, and boy did it continue to grow.  It has grown beyond what I thought it ever would thanks to the support of so many of you lovely people out there.  These people, thousands of people, have supported my endeavors and shared my designs all over the world.  Seriously, I can Google "nail art" and find my nails, how cool is that?!

So the point of this blog post is just to say a huge THANK YOU to each and every single one of you.  From my very first follower to my newest followers, thank you!  Truly, The Little Canvas wouldn't be what it is if it weren't for you.  I'm truly blessed that I have been able to share my little creations with so many of you.  Blessed that I have been able to inspire others like I was (and still am).  It's such a great feeling!

Life gets hectic, and I might not have the time to respond to each and every comment on all social networks, but trust me I read them all.  I appreciate every single one of the comments, so much.  For that reason, I didn't want this day to go by without acknowledging you and the fact that you all are the reason why this blog is what it is.

Hopefully this next year will be even better than the last two for The Little Canvas.  Already blessings have come my way through things like Twinsie Tuesday, where I have been able to collaborate with some amazing ladies, and the feature in Nail It! Magazine.  Only time will tell.

So again, thank you all.  <3 <3 <3

Until next time, <3.

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Oh how I love reading all of your comments! I truly appreciate each and every single one!