
Thursday, February 16, 2012

Blue Zebra Hearts

Zebra striping is always my easy "go-to" manicure.  It's a simple design to apply with some patience and a toothpick.  I recently got this amazing blue color and I wanted to use it, but I was too lazy to think of some huge creative thing to do.  So, I came up with this, what I call my blue, zebra, heart manicure.

Polishes Used:
  • Sinful Colors - Love Nails - the amazing blue I used for the base and the heart on the ring finger
  • Sinful Colors - Snow Me White - for the background of the zebra
  • Sinful Colors - Black on Black - for the zebra stripes obviously
  • Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear - Celeb City - used for the outline on the heart and between the zebra print/blue on the middle finger
  • New York Color - White Lights Glitter - used over the Sinful Colors Love Nails
This was one of those manicures where I could NOT stop looking at my nails.  I am now beyond obsessed with the blue color and can't wait to use it again!

1 comment:

  1. Love it! It is like the Zoya Maisie! My pic was hard to catch the green flecks though.


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