
Friday, March 1, 2013

Pac-Man Nail Art!

It feels like it has been awhile, but I finally have done some "hard core" nail art again!  For the past few weeks, I have been feeling very unoriginal and have found myself copying other nail bloggers manicures.  Now that I have finally finished my last college course ever and only have two edits left on my thesis project, I'm hoping to return to the crazy, wonderful world of nail art.  I am also hopeful that I will be able to bring you some original designs!

Today's nail art design: Pac-Man!!!  You know, the amazing old-school video game where the lil yellow guy goes around eating the white ball things while trying to avoid the ghosts??  If you don't know what Pac-Man is after that awesome description, I'm not quite sure what to say.....

This design was one I wanted to do last year, but never gathered the courage to do so.  I'm kind of happy I didn't since I had no where near the appropriate colors.  They just would have looked awful.  

Without further delay, let's take  look!!!!  Miss Susan of The Subtle Shimmer has been patiently waiting for me to post these since I said I did them a week ago on Twitter!  Susan is a sweetheart who has supported my blog and I since day one.  You should all go check out her blog after looking at my nails!!  I hope the wait was worth it for her, and for you all as well!!!

Colors Used:
  • Orly - Liquid Vinyl
  • China Glaze - Splish, Splash
  • Ulta - Snow White
  • Ulta - Sun-Sational
  • Zoya - Lianne
  • Sally Hansen - Blue Away!
  • Revlon - Charming
  • Revlon - Frankly Scarlet
Fun, cute, super awesome, right?  They were soooo simple also!!!!  To get the look, you first start off with a black nail.  I used two coats of my new favorite black polish, Orly Liquid Vinyl.  This black polish is so glossy and perfect, and technically you can get away with one coat.  I'm so happy I decided to grab a bottle of this, I'm in LOVE!

Once the black base is dry, it is time to paint on the blue boarder lines.  For my design, I used China Glaze Splish, Splash from the Summer Neons 2012 collection.  It popped off the black so well.  When you have your boarders, with a toothpick, outline and fill in the little Pac-Man and different colored ghosts.  While the ghosts are drying, fill in the blank spots with the white dots.  I tried to make one white dot bigger than the rest, but I kind of failed at that and ended up with an array of multi-sized dots.  Despite having amazing dotting tools, I still have yet to 100% master the skill.  Before adding a top coat, with a small dotter, add the eyes on the Pac-Man and ghosts, and you are all complete!

What do you think?  Fun?  Something you've tried?  Here's the biggie...would you like to see a picture tutorial for these?  It would be a photoshop tutorial like my other two as I don't have a camera set up yet for a photo tutorial.

Until next time, stop by my Mani Ideas page and leave your ideas.  You can also send me messages on Twitter or Facebook.  <3


Oh how I love reading all of your comments! I truly appreciate each and every single one!