
Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Blue-Ming (get it) Floral Nail Art Inspired by Pinterest

I can't believe that I am just today getting around to posting this manicure.  I am almost positive I painted these a month ago and created the tutorial right around the same time I started going tutorial crazy.  Regardless, I'm happy that I am finally getting around to posting them because this is one of my all time favorite manicures.

When I sat down to do this manicure, I was feeling VERY unoriginal.  I took to my Pinterest nail ideas board and started looking through.  Right away, I was drawn to this pin of a manicure by Polish Art Addiction.  She was inspired by this manicure after seeing a manicure by Beautopia Nails.  Now, mine didn't come out looking as good as theirs, but I was so enthralled with the manicure in the end.  I received a lot of compliments on them.  And then, my manager told me they looked like a pair of 80s stretch pants that someone would wear a white lace shirt with, and I forever saw them as that.  Haha, I still loved them.

I couldn't name them "80s pants nails" so I asked my lovely friend and ex blogger Ryan what I should name them.  She came up with teh creative idea of Blue-Ming nails, since they are on a blue base and the flowers are blooming....get it?  Love her for that.  

Enough of my babbling, let's take a look!

Colors Used:

  • Revlon Dreamer
  • Sally Hansen - Pink Blink, Fuschia Flare
  • Orly - Liquid Vinyl, Coachella Dweller
  • Zoya - Josie
How I Got the Look:

  1. Start off with a base coat of sky or baby blue polish.  For this manicure, I used two coats of Revlon Dreamer.
  2. With a dotting tool, dot on uneven semi circles on the edges of your nails.  This is the base of the flower.
  3. With a smaller dotting tool, take a lighter polish and unevenly dot in the center of the flower.
  4. With a nail art brush or a tooth pick, take a light green polish and draw on the leaves in between the flowers.
  5. With a darker green polish, add some detail to the flowers.
  6. With a tooth pick, or a nail art brush, outline the flowers.  This does not have to be perfect, and in fact looks better when it isn't perfectly neat.  
  7. Do the same thing you did on the flowers to the leaves using a black polish.
  8. In the blank areas, with the nail art brush or tooth pick, draw in a few black squiggly lines.
I loved using Revlon Dreamer as the base for this manicure.  Dreamer is such a perfect dusty sky blue that it didn't take away from the pink and green of the flowers and leaves.  All other polishes I used in the post are just amazing nail art polishes.  I love using the Sally Hansen Insta Dri's for dotting because I feel like I have a lot of control over the size of the dot without having the polish pool on the nail making a huge 3D dot.  I'm not sure if others have this issue, but I find I do a lot with thinner/not fast dry polishes.

The greens, Orly Coachella Dweller, and Zoya Josie are the perfect leaf colors!  I am planning on using both again for a grassy, lady bug manicure as soon as my nails grow out again.

I'm also a huge fan of Orly Liquid Vinyl.   It is my favorite black polish and literally for detailing like this, it's so easy to work with.  It doesn't get goopy like some of the cheaper blacks I have used.  If you use a lot of black polish for details, I suggest you put the money towards this bottle!

What do you think?  Fan of this manicure?  Going to try it for yourself??

Well, lovelies, I am off to paint my nails.  I broke the same nail twice in a row so expect to see some nubbies in the near future.  Don't you hate that, right when your nails are at the perfect length, bam something horrible happens.  And then when it's on the swatching hand, it's even worse.  Oh well.  Nothing you can do!

See you next post! <3

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