Good morning polished world! How are you all doing today?? It's Monday, which means it's the start to another work week! Christmas is over too, which means it's time to return to normal manicures! I'm kind of cheating today and sharing with you a manicure I did right after Thanksgiving because I'm honestly uninspired at the moment for anything that isn't Christmas. Funny how that happens. I think it's because I had so many Christmas ideas and wasn't able to complete all of them. Who knows.
Anyways, today's manicure is a fun dot flower manicure which was inspired by Young, Wild, and Polished. A while ago, she was doing these fun framed dot flower designs and I really liked how they looked. I grabbed some of my Sally Hansen polishes and got to work.
Let's take a look!
Colors Used:
- Sally Hansen - King of Shadows
- Sally Hansen - Night Fright
- Sally Hansen - OMGhost
King of Shadows is such a gorgeous dusty lavender polish. It's very unique to my collection and probably not a polish I would have picked up in the stores just by looking at it. Don't get me wrong, I love my purples, but something this muted just doesn't call out to me normally. After applying two coats though, I was in love. It's just gorgeous and has perfect application.
Since I was using a Sally Hansen color, I decided to find my Sally black and white polishes. The only ones I own are the Insta-Dri from the Halloween collection in 2014. I don't know why these polishes aren't part of the main line of Insta-Dri polishes because I really feel like they would sell. The white you could get away with one coat. Black needed two because it was a little streaky with the first coat. For this manicure I used two coats of both.
What do you think? Fan of this manicure? Do you own King of Shadows?
Until next time, <3.