Good morning polished world and welcome to December!! Work has been crazy busy and I meant to have this post up yesterday, but alas, I went to bed and forgot to pre-publish it. So here we are on December 1st sharing my favorite manicures from December. At least it's not like that time I skipped a whole month and combined two months in one post.
My plan for December is to share only Christmas manicures, except for the very end of the month when it becomes that New Years Eve mani time and odd winter time where you aren't 100% positive what you want to do on your nails.
Anyways, time to re-cap November. Let's take a look!
- The One Inspired by Coffee and Nail Polish - I absolutely love this design. I have a feeling it might make it on my favorite of the year post! The purple, the gradients, the tape designs....just everything is so perfect.
- The One With the Harvest Pumpkin Manicure - My super simple Thanksgiving manicure which I loved. Can we talk about how perfect Pandora by Sinful Colors is? I love the color so much and am so upset that I haven't used this polish which I have had for probably 2 years now. Plus the little pumpkin is so adorable.
- The One With the Bestie Twin Nails Re-Creation - I miss doing my BTN posts with Fashion Footing. Hopefully we will come back in December with a holiday themed one. We will see. This manicure though is one of my favorite "fall" looking floral designs. I can see myself re-creating this one each year.
- The One Inspired by One Nail To Rule Them All - Love this color combination and the floral pattern. A design I never would have come up with on my own. I wish I had this creativity. Instead I re-create or come up with different twists on manicures I've already done. Oh well.
What do you think? Any of these designs your favorite? Think I should have picked another design?
Until next time, <3.
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