Hi Polished World!!! How are you today?? Hopefully you are all staying warm the past few days! Seriously, where did this blizzardy weather come from? On Tuesday morning the temperature was -4 and the windchill was -20. I did not want to leave my house. Today it's going to be a bit warmer, and by warmer, it's supposed to be 23 degrees.
Since it's been so cold and snowy, it was necessary to create some sort of snow scene on my nails. Last year I did a polar bear and penguin manicure, and since I recently did a penguin manicure, I decided to do a snowman manicure! The last time I painted a snowman on my nails was before I started blogging. When I started the blog in February of 2012 (oh man we're close to the 2 year anniversary!), I shared the little guys! Not too shabby for only having toothpicks to work with. Honestly, I was beyond proud of them.
So, now that I have nail art tools, more polishes, and longer nails, it was about time I try a snowman manicure again. Let's take a look.
Colors Used:
- Sinful Colors - Sugar Rush
- Precision Lacquer - Shake Your Bon Bon
- Sinful Colors - Snow Me White
- Orly - Liquid Vinyl
- China Glaze - That's Shore Bright
- Zoya - Beatrix
Cute, right? To get the look, I started off with a base coat of Sugar Rush and added one coat of the gorgeous Shake Your Bon Bon glitter by Precision Lacquer. When that was dried, I went through with my white polish and added un-even french tips to make it look like snow had fallen across my nails. On my accent nails, I did a snowman using my nail art brush. I started first by outlining the body, adding the little head, then filling the rest in. While the little guy was drying, I went through and added the dots for the snowflakes. I then took my nail art brush and drew on the little hat, eyes, mouth, buttons, and scarf.
What do you think? Like the little guys?
Hope you all have stayed warm in your neck of the woods!!!
Until next time, <3.
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