
Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Twinsie Tuesday: Your Favorite Color Combo

You read that title right, Twinsie Tuesday!!!  I could not have been more excited when I opened my e-mail the other day and had an e-mail inviting me to join this group of talented, amazing bloggers!  It truly made my day!  Thank you all for asking me to join, I really truly am honored!!!

The prompt for today's Twinsie Tuesday was your favorite color combo.  Boy, I had a hard time figuring out what to pick!  I always love how bright colors pop when used with a black and white design, so I decided right away that some how my combo was going to include that.

Then came the hard part, picking the color that was going to go with the black and white.  I literally sat looking into my open Melmer drawers debating on what to pick.  Finally, I selected my favorite color; purple.  How could you go wrong?

Let's take a look!

Colors Used:
  • OPI - You're Such a Budapest
  • Orly Instant Artist - Jet Black
  • Orly Instant Artist - Crisp White
As you can see, I went with the retro dot design!  Before I started blogging, this was one of my first endeavors with polka dots.  I did re-create the look back in 2012 and included the original blurry cell phone photo of the first time I ever did them.  Looking back on it now, I really feel like I've come a long way.  To me, these seem a lot more uniform compared to before.  I also love the purple base this time around!  Definitely my favorite color combo :) 

So my biggest pet peeve of these nails were the dots themselves.  Not how they looked, but how they felt.  For the first time, I decided to use my water based Instant Artist polishes to create the polka dots.  Well, Doing this was great because they were more uniform, but they dried more 3D than I would have liked.  Even with a glob of top coat, I still found myself picking at the dots.  So silly, but I did it the whole time!

Be sure to check out the other Twinsie's designs for the day!  I can't wait to see what their favorite color combos are!

Amanda at Amandalandish
Amber at Nails Like Lace
Chelsea at Nailed Blog
Elizabeth at Did My Nails
Kelly at Tuxarina
Marisa at Polish Obsession
Rachel at Top Coat It
Róisín at Cuti-CLUE-les
Stephanie at A Little Polish
Traci at DrinkCitra

So, lovely readers, this is why I said my posting schedule might be a bit wonky over the next few weeks.  I will now be bringing you lovely readers a post every Tuesday, followed by one possibly on Thursday and Sunday.  I'm still not sure about the other days, but Tuesday is a guarantee!

Until next time, <3.

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