Good morning, Polished World! How are you all doing? I meant to have this posted yesterday, but Day Light Savings got the best of me and I just wanted to go to sleep instead of working on editing photos. Now of course, while I'm writing this, I rather be sleeping because thanks to Day Light Savings, it's late again and I feel that I should be sleeping again. Despite all that, it's St. Patrick's Day this week and I have to share with you the two designs I created. Literally the most simple designs but still cute.
Today's manicure is inspired by Ruth's Nail Art. Hers was much better than mine. I'm a little annoyed with how the clover turned out on my middle finger, but I think that's my own issue and no one else would notice it other than me. Despite the imperfection that I only see, it's a wonderful manicure that I think is perfect way to kick off this St. Patrick's Day week.
Let's take a look!
Man, do I miss Serendipity Polish. Sure this beauty is a little separated, but it still applies like a dream. I wish I snagged more bottles of this beauty because the color is just perfect. I pull it out for special occasions such as the holidays. Also, out of sheer laziness when it comes to looking through all my new colors. I really need to organize my collection this weekend.
Can you tell I broke my middle nail right before painting this design? All my nails are nice and long and that little beauty is short and nubby. Regardless, the design looks really god on the shorter nail. Maybe it's the dots, but I feel that the nail looks longer than it really is!
What do you think?
Until next time, <3.
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