- Ulta - Snow White
- Sinful Colors - Rain Storm
- Sally Hansen - Blue Away!
- China Glaze - Flip Flop Fantasy
- Ulta - Snow White
- Sinful Colors - Black on Black
I'm kind of becoming tape obsessed. It's such a simple way to get a really neat looking manicure. I know that in past posts I have complained about how much I hate tape manicures, but that was scotch tape manicures. Oh the difference it makes when you have the proper tools!
Before Valentines Day, I shared with you a swatch of Color Club Cloud 9. I only wore that polish plain for a day before I realized I had to do something with it. That something was to add some tape and the gorgeous Zoya Storm. All together, it was a trippy holo masterpiece. Sadly, the pictures did not give it justice, but, it still looks cool.
Let's take a look!
- Color Club - Cloud 9
- Zoya - Storm
What do you think of the nails?? Love, hate? Think the butterflies are awesome?
Until next time <3
An old post I forgot to actually post! I can't believe I did this! This would have been perfect to put up around Valentines Day, but alas, I forgot. So we go!
Well Hello there! How are you all? Today, I bring you a new tutorial! Since a lot of my nails are inspired by tutorials, I thought I would post a tutorial to inspire some of my followers!
- Paint your nail a base coat of your favorite white polish. For this manicure, I used Sinful Colors Snow Me White.
- With a dotting tool, a large, not perfect red circle onto the nail. Roses are not perfectly circular, so it is important to try to make the edges uneven. I used Sinful Colors Sugar, Sugar. I preferred using a shimmer polish over a flat creme, as I believed it really made the roses pop off of the white base.
- With a tooth pick or a small paint brush, use a green flat polish to paint on the leaves around the rose in the blank white area. I used Revlon Sassy.
- With a toothpick or a small paint brush, add a darker green line down the middle of the flower to add dimension I used Sinful Colors HD Nails, which is a dark green shimmer.
- With a dotting tool or tooth pick, outline the leaves. Outline the rose as well with a black polish making sure to leave some open spaces around the rose. In the center, add random circular lines to make it look like petals. These, just like the main rose, do not have to be perfect since roses are not perfect. I used Sinful Colors Black on Black and a tooth pick. If you were to use a dotting tool, I suggest using a very small one.
- Ulta - Snow White
- Sally Hansen - Red Carpet
- China Glaze - Hang Ten Toes
- Sinful Colors - Black on Black
- Sally Hansen - Disco Ball
Today is the one year anniversary of The Little Canvas! I cannot believe that a year ago today I started this blog. I always liked painting my nails, and then randomly started doing nail art. I would share them on my personal Facebook page, but nothing else. Everyone would comment, hit the "Like" button and that was enough for me. It was a hobby, something I enjoyed, and slowly my collection began to grow.
Again, thank you everyone! I really cannot wait to see what this next year has in store for me and The Little Canvas. <3
Colors Used:
- Color Club - Cloud 9
Colors Used:
- Ulta - Snow White
- Sally Hansen - Moonstone
- Sally Hansen - Pink Blink
- Orly - Miss Conduct
- Sinful Colors - Black on Black
In the past, whenever I've attempted tape mani's, I would use scotch tape. Each and every single time I attempted to use scotch tape, I would rip off a could portion of the base coat, or the stupid polish would sneak under the tape. I became extremely jealous of all the other girls who could successfully do a scotch tape manicure.
I received some nail art tape from the Born Pretty Store to review. I was iffy about it due to my past with scotch tape, but I was quick to see it was a totally different experience. And now, I am in LOVE with tape manicures!!!
For this manicure, I was inspired by a gradient laser tape manicure I saw over at Chalkboard Nails. Instead of using the same colors Sarah used, I decided to go all pink since Valentines Day is right around the corner. Despite my hate for the holiday, I thought I would be festive, especially for you followers. Let's see what I came up with using my new tape!
- Ulta - Snow White
- Sally Hansen - Pink Blink
- Ulta - Flamingo
- Sinful Colors Fig
I cannot wait to use my tape some more!!! Wonder what else I'll be able to come up with!
Do you like nail art tape? Have your own set? Never used it? Lover of scotch tape manicures?
Until next time, <3