Goodbye Google Reader, Hello BlogLovin!

8:38:00 PM

That's right, tomorrow Google Reader goes bye bye!  So, how are you going to keep updated on all my posts, you ask?  Well, you can subscribe to BlogLovin!!!!  I kind of love how I just signed up for an account and was able to hit one button and all the blogs I followed imported to that site!  So simple!

So, if you would, please head on over to BlogLovin and follow me by just clicking the handy dandy link below!

Follow on Bloglovin

You can also follow me on Facebook, Tumblr, Instagram, and Twitter to stay updated as well!

Tomorrow I will be posting a day ahead of my every 3 day schedule and starting July off with my July nail artist of the month, so you do not want to miss that!  I'm very excited to share this artist with you!!!  Then of course, I'll be posting a Fourth of July manicure which you will not want to miss!  It is amazing in my mind, so I'm hoping it doesn't turn out to be a disasticure!

Until then, have a great night! <3

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Oh how I love reading all of your comments! I truly appreciate each and every single one!