Neon Gradient Kitchen Sink Mani....I Think
9:00:00 AM
Oh my goodness, September is here. That's right, August has left and Fall is beginning to creep it's head around the corner. I must hold on to summer as long as I can, therefore I'm posting all the neon manicures that I have had stored up which I keep delaying. I'm not purposely delaying the posts, it's just that a new manicure comes along that I love and I get uber antsy and have to share it with you all. Part of me wants to switch to posting every 2 days, but I'm scared that I'm going to run out of manicures to share with you then have to go to once a week postings or something. We shall see how it goes.
This manicure I partially enjoyed. I liked the idea of it, but not the colors that I used. In the pictures the colors show up more vibrantly than they did in real life. I feel like the yellow got lost on the white. This is the only time I enjoyed the fact that neons make cameras freak out.
When I did this manicure, I was really bored and ambitious with my tape. Literally, I had all my painters tape, nail art tape, and even scotch tape out. I had done a manicure in the past (and never photographed it) using the technique I did on my middle finger and loved it. I wanted to do that again, but I also wanted to try out other taping techniques that I had seen lately all over Instagram. What was born was a kitchen sink tape manicure using the brightest neons ever. In my head, yellow to blue seemed like a wise choice, but maybe it wasn't.
I'll let you be the judge...let's take a look.
Colors Used:
- OPI - My Boyfriend Scales Walls
- China Glaze - Sun Kissed, I'm With the Lifeguard, Splish Splash
I started off with a base coat of OPI MBSW and topped it with a quick coat of OTD. I let my nails dry overnight because I was lazy when I started the manicure and was kind of feeling uninspired at the time. It's a sure bet though that if I do a base of this polish, some form of nail art which includes tape will happen later on.
I then got to work, I layered painters tape, and nail art tape in all different directions and styles on the nail. When the tape was on the nail in the desired fashion, I applied the gradient then removed the tape.
The hardest nail to complete was the ring and middle finger. Goodness, did that take a lot of little pieces of tape and patience. I think it was 9 pieces all together...that seems right looking at the photos now. I'm a tad OCD with my work and want it to be somewhat perfect (for me at least), therefore I reapplied the tape about a million times before my triangles looked perfect with one another. Despite it being a complete pain, I'm going to do this again because the look is totally neat! Something different than the typical checkerboard.
My pinkie finger was my favorite. For that nail, I took some painters tape and put it on the nail to form a big white triangle. Then underneath it a bit I added two smaller pieces of painters tape. Dab the make up sponge and remove, and goodness gracious isn't it pretty. I'm going to try this again maybe on a full manicure in the near future.
So what do you think? Like the colors or dislike them like me? Like the kitchen sink of tape manicures?
Also, quick note. I kind of learned that I stink at replying to comments when I sat down to do it the other day and realized I was a MONTH behind. I do read all the comments when they come in and I greatly appreciate them. I will try to get better at this in the near future! I truly am grateful for all your support.
Until next time, <3.
**I purchased all the polishes used within this post**
Oh how I love reading all of your comments! I truly appreciate each and every single one!