The One With the New Year's Manicure!
9:00:00 AMGood morning polished world and Happy New Years!!!! Welcome to 2019 and the next few weeks where you'll be writing 2018 on all of your important papers! The struggle is real when it comes to that. 2019 roared in like a lion, literally, as we had a high wind warning last night and gusts of wind over 65 miles per hour. I hate the wind, but it's better than some other natural disasters, so I'm going to count my blessings. Maybe that should be my resolution, to be more grateful.
Anyways, instead of sharing with you my Monthly Mani Favs and 2018 round up, I'm going to share with you my manicure that I wore on New Years Eve and still have on my nails today. I meant to post it yesterday, but I painted them late on the 30th and was too lazy to edit photos and write up a post for the 31st. So, here we are. I'll be posting the other mentioned posts this week sometime though, so have no fear!!
Let's take a look at my manicure!
Colors Used:
- ORLY - Liquid Vinyl
- ORLY - White Tips
- ORLY - Champagne Slushie
- ORLY - Lucid Dream
- ORLY - some sort of silver which the label peeled off therefore I will never know the name
Isn't this manicure fabulous? I'm kind of impressed with my dots. I have to say this is one of my favorite dot manicures. And you all know that I am loving that I was able to use all of my ORLY beauties. Nothing shines better than Liquid Vinyl with a top coat of INM Out the Door. Seriously this black is the best and makes your nails look like patent black leather.
First time that I've used Champagne Slushie and Lucid Dream and boy are these beautiful polishes. Especially Lucid Dream. I can't wait to use that beauty as a base coat for some nail art. Could be a good one for the dreaded Valentine's Day. Might make me hate Valentines Day less.
What do you think? Like this design? Something you'd do???
I hope everyone had a Happy and Safe New Years!!! I cannot wait to see what 2019 has in store for my life and The Little Canvas!!!
Until next time, <3.
Oh how I love reading all of your comments! I truly appreciate each and every single one!