Bestie Twin Nails with Fashion Footing!
9:00:00 AM
Good morning polished world! How are you all today? I'm doing fabulously! The Halloween nail art wheel is near completion! Just one more nail to complete. I believe I have completed six tutorials, so keep an eye out for those coming soon! I'm hoping to have the wheel on the blog by Thursday or Friday! Maybe I'll sneak in a tutorial before the wheel is posted....we shall see.
Today I'm posing another edition of Bestie Twin Nails with Amanda from Fashion Footing! This is round six, or five? Honestly, I cannot remember! I'm just happy she's still wanting to do nail art each month with me!
This month we wanted to do something Fall themed. We settled on this tree manicure which I found on Google. I cannot find who the original artist is, so if it's yours, thank you for the inspiration! Mine turned out looking more like a Halloween manicure instead of a Fall one. Regardless, I still like it!
Let's take a look!
Colors Used:
- OPI - My Boyfriend Scales Walls
- NYC New York Color - Copabanana
- Zoya - Thandie
- NYC New York Color - Carnival Red
- Orly Instant Artist - Jet Black
Such a neat manicure! To get the look, I started off with a base of MBSW. When that was dried, I took a make up sponge and sponged on the yellow of the tree. Then I did the same thing with the orange, then red, then went over it one more time with the yellow to blend it in.
When that was dried, I used my Orly Instant Artist striper and added the trees. The trees were a major pain in the butt, and I'm not happy with how some of them turned out. My OCD didn't like the branches on the ring finger's tree waws thicker than any of the other trees. Then the pinkie finger had that random top branch that was weirdly thick. As Amanda said to me when I was telling her how I didn't like some of the branches "Nature isn't perfect."
I did attempt this design last year and hated it so much that I took it off within five seconds. Compared to what I remember, this is a million times better. I think I need to start photographing my fails so when I try them again later on I can compare and see how my skills have developed. I have for sure come a long way since the blog started.
What do you think? Like the design? Think it looks more Halloween than Fall?
Don't forget to check out Amanda's manicure!
Until next time, <3.
Oh how I love reading all of your comments! I truly appreciate each and every single one!