The One With the St. Patrick's Day Manicure
9:00:00 AMGood morning polished world! How are you all doing today?? It's Thursday, which means my work week is almost over, then the weekend will be here and gone before I know it. Saturday is St. Patrick's Day, and I was hoping to be able to do one more manicure, but I don't think I will have the time. Therefore, today's design is the one that I will hopefully still have on my nails Saturday. You know, if it doesn't chip and get destroyed before then.
I wasn't really sure for what to do for my final design this year. I always feel like I do the same thing over and over again, so I took to Pinterest. Surfed around a while and found a few designs that I liked. So I took inspiration from a bunch of them and re-created them!
Let's take a look!
Colors Used:
- ORLY - Champagne Slushie
- NYC New York Color - Queen's Jewels
- Acrylics
Champagne Slushie is a gorgeous champagne gold polish which covered completely in two coats. I didn't wait long enough to let the coats dry because I was kind of impatient, so I had a little bit of bubbling, but it was covered by the design mostly.
Queen's Jewels is beyond gorgeous! Two coats of this crelly green glitter polish. Truly does look like a jewel on my nail. Kind of not looking forward to taking it off. It's probably going to be a huge pain in the behind.
What do you think? Fan of this manicure? Sufficiently festive?
Until next time, <3,
Oh how I love reading all of your comments! I truly appreciate each and every single one!