September Nail Artist of the Month - triracialbeauty2
9:00:00 AM
It's the first post of September, and you know what that means!!!! That's right, today I'm bringing you my September Nail Artist of the Month. My goal is to bring you fresh, new artists who are rather unknown to the nail art world. If I select your account from Instagram, I typically see if you have less than 1,000 followers. While the girls who have over 1,000 are amazing as well, I want everyone to have their chance of hitting that 1,000 milestone.
Since I was having some issue deciding who to pick, I posted on Instagram asking for help from some of my followers. My September Nail Artist of the Month, the amazing Leslie from triracialbeauty2, posted that I should select her. Now normally, I would have passed this, but I kinda liked her boldness. I clicked on to her Instagram and quickly fell in love. With each of her manicures, she paints up a matching ring, which was just amazing to me. You'll see.
Enough of my babbling! Polished peeps, please welcome Leslie!
A little about me. My name is Leslie. I live in Las Vegas. I am a stay at home mommy/wife. I've been married 8 years this coming December. I have 17, 8 and 6 year old daughters and a 15 month old son. I also have 2 Golden Retrievers and 2 Siamese. I've been doing my nails since December of 2012. I used to have acrylics so I only would paint my toes(which I now neglect due to the rate at which I'm changing my fingernail polish,lol). I used to be way into makeup. But I switched gears though I am getting the makeup bug again. I didn't realize when I started doing my nails that there was so much more than just painting them. I started out doing a lot of accent nails. Then branched out to gradients which I have a knack for. I also was a natural at cheetah print. I try different things with regular tape and striping tape. I always want to try new things-even if they don't come out great. Practice makes better:)
Today I did a kitchen sink mani because I couldn't think of one thing I wanted to do. On my pinky, I used the saran wrap techniche. On my ring finger I used regular tape to create a diagonal space to add glitter polish and some cheetah print which I created with a dotting tool. My middle nails just has a couple of flowers that I created with a dotting tool. On my index finger, I did a pink and blue gradient and topped it with a glitter polish.
The thing I'm holding is a cabochon ring that I paint with every manicure. I wanted to stick with the kitchen sink mani theme and only have the colors match the manicure.
I hope you all enjoyed this!
What an amazing kitchen sink manicure! I'm in love with the colors and all the techniques used! Seriously, flawless. And that ring! Ahhh I want it! Thank you so much for this amazing post!!!! If you want to see more of Leslie's designs, head on over to her Instagram and make sure to follow!!!
As for all the other lovely ladies who were mentioned in the comments of that post, I am following all of you and you are on my radar to be featured!!!!
Until next time, <3
Oh how I love reading all of your comments! I truly appreciate each and every single one!