Twinsie Tuesday - Favorite Glitter Polish Topper
9:00:00 AM
Happy Twinsie Tuesday polished world! How are you all today? I swear these posts sneak up on me so fast! Not complaining since I really enjoy being a Twinsie and love these little challenges. Some of them have brought me out of my comfort zone, and inspired me to do things I never would have done before. For example, last week I never would have thought to take inspiration from a purse/wallet, and therefore never would have created a manicure that is one of my all time favorites.
Today we are sharing our favorite glitter polish topper. Now, I own quite a few glitters, but not as many as some of the other Twinsies. I think Casey Lane's Indie glitter polish topper collection is quite gigantic and I'm rather jealous. As a person though who does a lot of freehand nail art, I rarely find myself using my glitter polishes. It's a shame too since so many of them are gorgeous and I love them all to pieces. I bought them for that exact reason, but there they sit in the back of my melmer. Maybe I should challenge myself to start using more glitter accents.
For the post today, I debated on using OPI In True Stefani Fashion, but I decided against it. Instead, I went with my go-to glitter topper, INM Northern Lights. I fell in love with this product last year after having a love hate relationship with China Glaze Fairy Dust. I loved the look of Fairy Dust, but the dry time was AWFUL, it got goopy super fast, and it smelled so bad that it always gave me a headache. After seeing Cristina from Let Them Have Polish rave over Northern Lights, I picked up a bottle and never ever looked at Fairy Dust again.
Let's take a look at today's manicure!
Colors Used:
- OPI - Can't Find My Czechbook
- OPI - Eurso Euro
- China Glaze - I'm Not Lion
- INM Northern Lights
Isn't this a pretty manicure? I did this manicure originally in 2012 and I figured it was time to revisit it because it's gorgeous. It was inspired by the lovely Young, Wild and Polished. At the time, she used polishes from Essies then new collection, and I used an old Julep, a Sinful Color, and the same China Glaze polish. Goodness, I can't believe I purchased I'm Not Lion in time flies and it's still one of my favorites. I also used the dreaded Fairy Dust since I had to discover INM Northern Lights. I'm also kind of amazed with how far I've come in regards to shaping my nails and not flooding my cuticles.
Well, with the discovery of Northern Lights, the recreation of this manicure is perfect. I decided to make my middle finger dark blue to match the dot flowers. It just dawned on me while writing this post, the manicure that inspired this one from 2012 was my first ever successful dot flower manicure. Now I can bust these things out in my sleep. Really shows, practice makes perfect.
I'm getting nostalgic and off topic in regards to the glitter topper. As you can see, INM Northern Lights really gives the plain cream polishes a whole new dimension. It's amazing because it doesn't ever distract from the art, just adds a little umph. The OPI polishes are gorgeous on their own, but when you add a simple swipe of the holo, they look like a brand new polish. My favorite has to be it over Eurso Euro on the middle finger. Can you see how gorgeous it is?!
What I really love about this polish is that it covers up any mistakes I ever make when applying a cream polish. I'm kind of a klutz when it comes to life in general, so when applying a cream polish, you can bet that I end up smudging it within minutes of applying the final coat. Nine times out of ten, I use glitters to smooth out these errors and hide them from the public. And guess what, nine times out of ten it works.
What do you think? Loving this look? Ever used INM Northern Lights?
Don't forget to check out the other Twinsie's posts! I cannot wait to see the girls favorite glitters!
Amanda at Amandalandish
Amber at Nails Like Lace
Anna at Going to the Showing
Anne at Grape Fizz Nails
Casey at CaseyLane Loves Polish
Chelsea at Nailed Blog
ChiChi at I'm Just Me...ChiChi
Elizabeth at Did My Nails
Erin at Paint Those Piggies
Heather at Peace, Love, & Polish
Kelly at Tuxarina
Lakeisha at Refined and Polished
Maribeth at Obsessive Cosmetic Hoarders Unite
Marisa at Polish Obsession
Rachel at Top Coat It
Róisín at Cuti-CLUE-les
Stephanie at A Little Polish
Tiffany at Polished To Precision
Oh how I love reading all of your comments! I truly appreciate each and every single one!