Twinsie Tuesday: Bubbles

9:00:00 AM

Hello there!  How are you all today?  I'm doing well since the weather has been great outside!  Funny how much the weather can change a person's mood!  I'm also doing well since it is Tuesday and I'm here posting again as part of Twinsie Tuesday.  Sorry to sit out last week ladies, but I was just swamped.

Today's prompt is "bubbles".  Honestly, hated this week.  I had a really great idea for a manicure, tried to get it to work for almost two hours and finally gave up.  Then I went on to my next manicure and banged it out in twenty minutes at midnight.  It was such a mess. I was going to use it for today but when I got around to photographing it this weekend, it was a shrunken bubbled mess.  Actually the top coat bubbles probably would have made it perfect for today's theme.

So I took them off and decided to sit down and do a third manicure.  At this point I was totally defeated and had no idea what to do.  After sitting out last week, I couldn't sit out again, so I pushed through.  I found this tutorial on YouTube and thought it looked simple enough.  After all I finished, I sat back and really wasn't too happy.  I think it was due to the whole frustration of getting to this final mani.

Time to take a look.  Ignore the awfulness of the manicure and let's look at the positive: I was able to take photos outside again!

Colors Used:
  • Gradient - A Zoya Rainbow!
    • Zoya - Livingston, Thandie, Darcy, Tilda, & Ling
  • INM - Northern Lights
  • Orly Instant Artist - White
Just like the YouTube tutorial, I started by creating a rainbow gradient.  I decided to use my Zoya creams since they are so bright and saturated.  I'm in love with Tilda and Ling from the new Summer Tickled collection.  I'll have a review of those later this week when I'm not in such a mopey mood regarding a manicure.  Just know I love my Zoya's and have absolutely zero hate for them.  Seriously, look at how bright and perfect the gradient is!

I then topped the gradient off with a top coat of INM Northern Lights because a rainbow gradient isn't complete unless it sparkles.  Plus it quickly dried my gradient so I was able to move on to my next step which was freehanding all the damn bubbles on my nails.  I did this using a nail art brush and my white Orly Instant Artist polish.  After they were dried, I added a quick top coat and called it a night.

Not the neatest manicure I've done.  Maybe it is and I'm just being tough on myself due to the stress of it all.  Regardless, I completed bubble day!  I should have just put a Zoya Bubbly on my nails and drew a bubble in the lower corner or something.  Oh well.  It's done, and I can move on! lol

Don't forget to take a look at the other Twinsie's this week!

Amanda at Amandalandish
Amber at Nails Like Lace
Chelsea at Nailed Blog
Elizabeth at Did My Nails
Kelly at Tuxarina
Lakeisha at Refined and Polished
Marisa at Polish Obsession
Róisín at Cuti-CLUE-les
Stephanie at A Little Polish
Traci at DrinkCitra

I apologize for not replying to comments lately.  I've been kind of busy with a few things but I do read each and every single one as they come in and I appreciate all your kind words!  I will get to replying and commenting on other blogs this week!  I swear it!

Until next time, <3.

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Oh how I love reading all of your comments! I truly appreciate each and every single one!