Cherry Blossoms

8:00:00 AM

I know, I know, it's late in the season for Cherry Blossoms, but it is never too late for Arizona Ice Tea style Cherry I right?! lol

I love flowers and flower manicures, so I needed to jump on this and paint them even if it was delayed.  Please ignore my cuticles, I have an abnormal fear of pushing them back and refuse to.

Colors Used:
  • Funky Fingers - Mrs. Mint
  • Sinful Colors - Nirvana
  • Sinful Colors - Cream Pink
  • Funky Fingers - Queen Cupcake
  • Sinful Colors - Black on Black
Difficulty Scale of 1 to 10, this manicure was a 4.  The most difficult and annoying part was drawing on the branches, then adding the little black dots when it was all done.  Both of those were done with a toothpick.  The hardest part about the branches, I had to make sure there was enough room for the cherry blossoms so they did not form one huge blob.  The cherry blossoms were simple, just added with a dotting tool.  When the cream pink dried, I added Queen Cupcake.  Finished with a topcoat, and viola!

What do you think?  Do you have a favorite flower?? Want me to attempt to put it on my nail?? Come on people!  I love a challenge!!!!

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  1. "Difficulty Scale of 1 to 10, this manicure was a 4"

    Hahahaha... I think you need to add a +5 handicap for me!

  2. 1) The Ask Another Girl comment was by me... oops. Wrong Google account!

    2) I'm scared to push back my cuticles too!!! I do it, but I cringe the whole time. It just feels very unnatural to me (maybe cause it IS).

  3. This is really cute! Turned out great, I've never tried cherry blossoms before but I always love the look of them as a mani.

  4. These are soo sooooooo cute! I love them, and when you explained them they actually sound a lot easier than they look! I think I could MAYYYYYBE do this! haha.

    Now- about your cuticles, my friend. Why are you (and Ave apparently!!!) scared of pushing back your cuticles?! You don't have to cut them- just rub in some good cuticle cream/oil and push em back a little with an orange wood stick or even just your other hand. Also- you can just use some cuticle remover cream or gel. All you do is put it on, wait a minute, push em back and little, kinda rub on them so it rubs off the dead skin and ta-daaaa! They're gone! :) I can't stand NOT pushing back my cuticles, and honestly I cut mine occasionally just cuz I hate when they grow out. I'm bad. :(

  5. Oh and I forgot to say- I think some huge Georgia O'Keefe style daisies would be awesome! But... gnome nails first. ;p


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